Industry 4.0


Managing Change: How to Lead Your Engineering Team Through a Merger or Acquisition

Even when it’s exciting, change can be hard. It can be even harder when you’re also leading others through a big change. But like anything, getting yourself informed and prepared makes things go much more smoothly. This post offers guidance on how to get everyone on board and successfully lead your team through a big change.

Pros & Cons of Using SharePoint for Your Engineering Design Processes

SharePoint has been around for a couple of decades now. As the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic drove higher usage for Microsoft Teams, SharePoint grew along with it. With over 200 million monthly active users, plenty of teams are using the platform to store and share files across different industries. But how well does SharePoint fit into engineering design processes?

Collaborative Engineering 101: Design Review Types

Whether you've been doing design review for days or decades, you've probably put lots of thought into the designs you’re reviewing—but how much time have you spent thinking about the review process itself? This post overviews how and why design reviews happen, different ways to look at design reviews, common review types, and how these types are distinct from each other.

From “Going Paperless” to Today: Is the End in Sight for Engineering Drawings?

There’s been talk about “going paperless” for decades. The conversation has, of course, evolved over time—but what’s really at the root of the discussion? Putting buzzwords aside, what do all these paperless initiatives mean when it comes to engineering drawings?

Multi-CAD Collaboration that Boosts Your Productivity Instead of Killing It

The idea that any engineering team today can work with one single CAD system and one single CAD system only? It’s basically a pipe dream. Maybe internally, your team can get by using the same CAD software across the company—but as soon as you start involving people outside your organization, the need for effective multi-CAD collaboration is clear.

Why is Simple Digital Collaboration a Challenge for Engineering Teams?

Why is it so challenging for engineering design teams to find simple ways to collaborate virtually? It’s a complicated question, but our team talks to engineers about this on a daily basis. Here are three broad themes we consistently hear from design teams trying to solve their digital collaboration challenges.

3 Risks for Industrial Manufacturers Who Hesitate on Digital Transformation

Digital transformation or digital overwhelm? If those two phrases feel like they mean the same thing, maybe it's time to take a bite-sized (or "byte-sized") approach to digital transformation. After all, hesitation comes with risks: don't be one of the companies left behind.

State of Engineering Collaboration - Insights from Matt Bailey, Vice President, Mechanical Engineering at Design 1st

This article is part of CoLab's new State of Engineering Collaboration Series which will interview a diverse mix of mechanical engineering professionals and industry thought leaders with a goal of better understanding the day to day challenges engineers face and to keep a pulse on the trends that will shape the profession in the years ahead. The following is an interview we recently had with Matt Bailey, Vice President, Mechanical Engineering at Design 1st.

Top 5 Trends Shaping the Future of Engineering Collaboration

Effective collaboration is a vital component of the success of any program, yet the market for tools that facilitate that collaboration has just begun to recognize the massive opportunity in front of it.