Easily share CAD documents from 3DEXPERIENCE to CoLab for review


How does the integration work?

More than 30 file types accepted

CoLab accepts more than 30 native CAD file formats, including part and assembly files from CATIA and SolidWorks. You can find the full list here.

Share dashboard overview
Comment example

Version and reference data maintained

Any files shared to CoLab from 3DEXPERIENCE will arrive with accurate version information and metadata. This makes it easy to track issues across revisions and consider reference data in order to make informed design decisions.

Your CAD data, kept safe

With Single Sign-On (SSO), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), email domain restrictions, download limitations, and Attribute-Based Access Controls (ABAC), you can be sure that any data shared from 3DEXPERIENCE remains secure and within your full control.

Activity overview


How long does it take to integrate CoLab with 3DEXPERIENCE

How does the integration handle file version and revision control?

What security measures are in place to protect data shared from 3DEXPERIENCE to CoLab?

Ready for smoother collaboration?

If you’re ready to see how CoLab can transform the way you work with suppliers, here’s how the process works.

  • Simple external sharing with comprehensive access control
  • Enterprise-grade IP security
  • Automatically capture a more complete digital thread
Schedule a talk with a CoLab product expert.