Track every issue, manage every review

Identifying issues is easy. Tracking, prioritizing, and addressing them is hard. With CoLab, reviews and issues are automatically tracked, organized, and made sortable for you. This means you won’t overlook critical issues, and it’s easy to retrace previous decisions.

Automatically record issues

When a single review can identify dozens (or hundreds) of design issues, it's no surprise that 43% of them are never addressed. CoLab automatically stores and organizes all design feedback, allowing you to easily filter and sort specific issues or comments. With one click, you can locate any issue within the context of the design.

Track review progress

CoLab organizes your reviews using a Kanban board, giving you a simple way to track review progress. From the board, you can easily access ongoing, upcoming, or past reviews.

track review progress

Monitor review activity

Every review has a self-populating activity panel to give you a chronological overview of every comment and activity within the review. From the activity panel, you can resolve issues or further investigate feedback in one click.

Compare revisions side-by-side

Compare any two documents (or revisions) side-by-side using split view. CoLab lets you bring multiple revisions and your issue list into a single view, making it easy to see if the right changes have been made to your design.

Compare revisions

Connecting CoLab with PLM and CAD is fast, easy, and secure

CoLab integrates with major PLM systems, including Windchill, Teamcenter, and 3DEXPERIENCE. You can share CAD directly to CoLab from your PLM, maintaining critical data associations. Because CoLab accepts 30+ file types, it’s easy to review native CAD, even if you’re working with a supplier or customer that uses a different CAD tool.

colab connect to applications
learn more about integrations

Better products start with better design conversations.

If you’re ready to see how CoLab can transform the way you work with suppliers, here’s how the process works.

  • Every conversation starts with a discovery call. During this call, a technical expert will understand your team’s challenges with design review today
  • Then, we’ll tailor a demo to address those challenges. This demo includes you, of course, but also some key members from your team who can speak to your challenges in greater detail and vet CoLab as the solution.
  • Finally, we do a workshop with more members of your team. This is the fun part! During this workshop, your team will each have temporary CoLab licenses and participate in a sample design review. You and your team will be guided through key features and use cases right inside the CoLab platform.
Schedule a talk with a CoLab product expert.