What’s New in CoLab—March 2023

CoLab Team

March 21, 2023


min read

New 3D markup tools

With additional shapes, strokes, arrows, and text boxes, you now have the perfect tool for any markup and complete flexibility in how you communicate your ideas.

Here’s what’s new:

  • Pinning feedback on a model unlocks the markup tools
  • Once markup is started, the model is locked to ensure that markup remains in the correct location on the model
  • Measurements can now be included in feedback. You just need to make them before starting the markup
  • The feedback card is now moveable, allowing users to ensure that it is out of the way of markup but still clearly visible
  • Markup can be edited after it is saved
  • Draft feedback is retained if the browser crashes or another file is opened during markup creation

Refreshed kanban review cards

Individual review cards within the kanban board will now show more information, such as:

  • Review name
  • Review creator
  • Due date
  • File name
  • Reviewers (with status)

Selected review cards will now remain highlighted for additional clarity.

File spotlighting

Previously, users who opened a file via an email link or in-app notification had difficulty understanding where the file was located within Colab. Now, when you open a file via email or from your in-app notifications, CoLab will automatically highlight where the file exists in Drive.

Enhanced PDF review

Some users were experiencing poor markup performance when zooming into large PDF files, as well as incorrect feedback card behaviour when reviewing extremely large PDFs.

We’ve enhanced the large PDF markup performance and added a 6400% zoom option for smoother viewing.

Review widget filtering

You can now further filter assigned reviews on the home page by reviewer status, helping you understand which reviews require action.

Automatically close reviews

Now you can set reviews to automatically close once all assigned reviewers have approved.

Other improvements

  • Replaced feedback pop-up in Track with a side panel to consolidate the experience between Track & workspaces
  • Added a Days Open column to the Review table in Track so you can see how long a review has been open
  • Users can now multi-select files to upload to a package
  • You can now edit review titles after they have been created
  • Fixed an issue where headers on User Groups pages were loading incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where resolving a piece of feedback would result in the entire feedback panel closing
  • When switching between revisions using the navigation bar, the viewer will maintain the same state
  • Users will no longer be able to edit markups on closed feedback
  • Reviews or feedback due today will be color coded orange, while those that are overdue will be color coded red
  • When leaving feedback comments, users can now use Shift + Enter to add bullets to a bulleted list or numbers to a numbered list

March 21, 2023

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