What's New in CoLab—March 2022

CoLab Team

March 22, 2022


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Share Files and Feedback Between Workspaces

Users now have more visibility and control over how files and Feedback are shared between Workspaces. 

Users are shown when a file has been shared to another workspace, and where it has been shared to

When sharing a file from one Workspace to another, you can now select which revisions to share and which Feedback to share along with it. From right within Drive, you’ll be able to see information about where a file has been shared.

Feedback can now be shared between Workspaces at any time, not just when sharing files—giving you more flexibility on when and how you manage Feedback.

New share modal


Automatic Saving for 2D Markups

Feedback markups on 2D files will now save automatically as you work. So if you leave CoLab or switch files, you don’t lose your progress. When you return to the file, you can simply pick up where you left off. 

More Versatile 3D Measurement Tools

Here are the latest improvements to CoLab’s 3D measurement tools:

  • Diameter measurement (previously only radius was available)
  • Measure distance between any combination of geometry (face, edge, circle centre point, cylinder centre axis)
  • Hide all tools except point-to-point measurement when the model doesn’t support them
  • Point-to-point angle measurement (previously only face-to-face angle was available)
  • Reorganization of the measurement menu so the tools are in a more logical order
  • Ability to click and drag labels
  • Ability to hide x, y, and z axes in distance measurement

Workflow Shortcuts & Prompts

Recent Files

It’s now easier to find the files you’ve most recently opened! Without needing to navigate Drive or use the search bar, you can quickly jump back into your recent files with a single click. 

On the Start page, you’ll see your recent files from across all Workspaces in the Recent Files widget.

And whenever no file has been selected yet in a given Workspace, you’ll see your recent files from within that Workspace only.

Quick Actions

With the new Quick Actions widget, it’s faster to get straight to your work. The Start page now gives you shortcuts for these actions: Upload a File, Request a Review, and Invite a Team Member.

Quick Actions make your core workflows simpler, while also making it easier for new users to know how to get started.

Global File Search

Now available from the Start Page, you can search for files across all your Workspaces for quick and easy access without having to remember where your file was stored.

Revamped Settings and Admin Pages

User Profile & Workspace Settings

Profile and Workspace settings have a new look! While they work the same as always, the UI has been fully revamped. Plus, you can now access Workspace settings from the quick Workspace selector.

Admin Improvements: User & Workspace Management

Your company’s User and Workspace Management pages also have a new look, thanks to an upgraded UI.

And the User Management page has some new functionality, too. We’ve added filters, as well as a “Guest” badge that makes it easier to identify users that are external to your organization that have access to one of your Workspaces.

March 22, 2022

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