Meet The Team - Steph Burry

March 10, 2021

min read

Meet Steph Burry, our new Head of People and Culture. We are excited have her help build our team and elevate our culture!

We’re excited to welcome you to the CoLab family, Steph! Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a dog lovin’, world travellin’, volleyball playin’ “bay girl” who constantly craves all forms of potato - fries, chips, POUTINE!

How did you first get into HR ?

I showed up late one day to a Business 1000 class just in time to hear the Professor say “...and HR is probably the most interesting aspect of business”. Interesting you say?! Sign me up! Turns out it was a great fit for my personality and desire to help people. Thanks universe!

Why were you excited to join CoLab?

I’ve been hearing great things about CoLab for a couple years. The company has a wonderful reputation here in the local community and I love working with smart, dedicated, kind, and fun loving people. Couple that with the inspiring vision of the future and I couldn’t be more excited to contribute to this amazing team. Buckle up!

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

Number one is my Golden Retriever, Maggie. She is the best companion and I would never be bored or lonely with her by my side. Second would be my phone. Of course I want to stay in touch with everyone, but I would mostly want it for music to dance and reminisce of “the good old days”. I’d also want to take pictures/videos of our adventures on the island. (Please tell me this is a tropical island and not one off the coast of NL - I cannot handle any more snow)

Thank you, Steph!

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March 6, 2020

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