Meet The Team - Sammi Deakin-Sharpe - Full Stack Development Intern

CoLab Team

March 10, 2021


min read

We’re excited to have you at CoLab again this semester, Sammi! Tell us a little about yourself.

Profile photo for Sammi

I’m a 23-year-old Australian who moved to St. John’s four years ago to get my undergraduate degree while playing university basketball. (And, no, I do not have a pet kangaroo!!) I get cold whenever the weather drops below 19 degrees so I’m still not really sure why I moved to Canada.

I love dogs, plants, and sunshine and last year I began learning how to kite-surf.

How did you first get into software development?

I initially considered sports management, but quickly discovered that a business degree was not for me! In high school I’d taken a course called I.P.T. which covered topics such as programming, animation, A.I., and data mining. I remembered how much I enjoyed that course and decided to switch my degree to Computer Science.

Why did you join CoLab and what are you most excited about for this semester?

I joined CoLab because I’d heard so many great things about the company and our CEO, Adam Keating. The team-first culture here resonates deeply with me. I love how we strive for greatness while also making sure everyone feels supported.

There are so many exciting things to look forward to this semester, but I think I’m most looking forward to the release of 3.0. Everyone has been working super hard to refine the product, and I can’t wait for all our users to experience the magic that is CoLab 3.0.

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

I’d want an iPod with every song ever created on it so I wouldn’t get bored, and one of my plants to keep me company. :) 

February 5, 2021

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