Meet The Team - Senior Software Architect, Clinton Filler

CoLab Team

March 10, 2021


min read

This week we are featuring one of our newest members, Clinton! A self proclaimed tech nerd, Clinton brings a wealth of programming and problem solving expertise to CoLab.

We’re excited to welcome you to the CoLab family, Clinton! Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a full blown tech nerd and into whatever type of gadget I can get my hands on. I love anything that requires assembly or can be programmed. My first video game was pong and now I spend my off hours in virtual reality. It’s like I’m living in the future!

How did you first get into programming?

My parents gave me a Tandy TRS-80 back in the 80s. Once I learned I could make it draw shapes and make sounds, I was hooked! I spent hours typing in programs that would all disappear when I turned it off. Thankfully I’ve seen a few upgrades over the years.

Why are you excited to join CoLab?

CoLab is an amazing place to work and the people are fantastic. The product we’re building here is cutting edge stuff and is pushing the boundaries of what can be done in a web browser. It’s amazing what’s been accomplished so far and I can’t wait to see what we do next!

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

My computer and my 3D printer. With those two items I should be able to manufacture everything else I need!

Thank you, Clinton!

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April 17, 2020

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