Meet The Team - Cathy Berscheid - Security Analyst

CoLab Team

June 4, 2021


min read

Tell us a little about yourself, Cathy!

I moved to St. John’s from Saskatchewan back in 2008 for no other reason than: “Newfoundland and Labrador seems interesting.” (Don’t judge me!) Since then, I’ve met some amazing people and have slowly been exploring this beautiful province.

How did you first get into IT security?

To be honest, I’m not sure! If you asked me ten years ago what I thought I’d be doing right now, IT probably wouldn’t have made the list. I enrolled in the Computer Systems and Networking program at CNA, and at first I wasn’t sure if I’d even like it. But shortly after starting, I realized I had found my calling. When I started my work term at the end of the program, the company I was working for needed a security analyst so they began training me in IT security. I feel incredibly fortunate to have had such an amazing opportunity. Without it, I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today.

Why did you first join CoLab and what are you most excited about?

I’d been following CoLab’s journey for a while and I really believe that they’re creating a product that will revolutionize design review. Plus they really care about their people and it shows!

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

Hmm, that’s a tough one. If food and water are taken care of, there’s not much else I’d need. Maybe a quad with an unlimited supply of gas to go exploring around.

June 4, 2021

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