Meet The Team - Aidan Northcote - Marketing Intern

CoLab Team

March 10, 2021


min read

This week we are introducing our newest team member and business development intern, Aidan.

While Aidan is just beginning his career, he already has a variety of digital marketing skills and we are excited to have him!

We’re excited to welcome you to the CoLab family, Aidan! Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m always up for an adventure and like to do basically anything outdoors. I like sports, particularly football and surfing. I’m really good at Mario Kart Double Dash and my greatest achievement is coming first on Rainbow Road. 

How did you get into marketing?

I’ve always been fairly creative and pursuing a Commerce degree, marketing seemed like a good fit. That and I watch a little too much Mad Men.

Why are you excited to join CoLab?

There was mention of a fully stocked fridge in the job ad… The people and the culture seem awesome. The product is really cool and I think there’s great opportunity for some cool marketing initiatives I’d love to be a part of. 

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

A CD player and a copy of Led Zeppelin IV.

Thank you, Aidan!

Interested in working for CoLab? Check out our current openings:

May 8, 2020

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