Rethinking Design Review: The Future is Lean and Agile

CoLab Software Team

May 3, 2023


min read

Improve efficiency. Cut product costs. Shorten review cycles. Increase collaboration across your supply chain. 

Design review is a critical part of what engineering teams do every day. They help us make the innovative, high-performing technology we introduce to the world. Everyone does design reviews - but few of us have a way to do it well.

Issues get lost in email threads, time is lost in old revisions, and debating model feedback over screen-sharing leads to misinterpretation and meetings that run way too long.

What if design reviews didn't have to live in your email inbox?

This October, CoLab hosted a webinar demonstrating the state of design review in 2020, and where we’re headed into the future. 

The webinar covered critical points on the most common design review processes, engineer’s top pain points, and the consequences of these often manual, siloed steps to an engineering team. Hosted by CoLab CEO Adam Keating, Adam & the audience discussed key priorities for 2021 including improving overall efficiency, shortening review cycles, reducing change orders and enabling better supply-chain collaboration. 

Adam also provided insight into the emerging trend in industry for more lean, agile processes in design and the value teams have unlocked with these improvements, including a sneak preview at CoLab 3.0. This session featured models of design review success from industry leaders across automotive, industrial equipment, shipbuilding, and more. 

See below for a short excerpt from the session of the top design review pain points.

The Results are In

We asked and you answered! Throughout the session, we captured key data to understand where the biggest challenges are and what engineers and managers are focused on fixing. Take a look at some of the results.

Collaborating with stakeholders is the most common pain point among attendees

Efficiency is the most popular goal for engineering teams according to our attendees

Key Takeaways

You’re an Engineer, Not an Administrator 

Engineers are spending more than 25% of their time administering the review process, instead of actually completing their engineering reviews. This administrative work can all be automated. 

You need a Connected Hub for Collaboration

With a centralized hub for internal communications, review, issue tracking, and supply chain collaboration, you improve efficiency, cut costs, and get more value out of your PLM with more accurate, relevant data.  

The Future is Lean and Agile

The way engineers work has changed dramatically since the introduction of CAD. It's time the ways we work together get up to speed. Combine the LEADR framework with CoLab to centralize your review process, shorten feedback cycles, and focus on engineering, not administrating.


Re-engineer the way you work, and build better products, faster.

October 20, 2020

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