Our Top Apps for Solidworks (2019)

March 10, 2021

min read

With the recent release of SolidWorks 2019 comes all of the normal questions and concerns from users: which of the core tools that I use daily are no longer going to work, and are the add-ons that I use going to work with the new version?

New releases can impact your workflow for better or for worse. We have compiled a short list of the top applications that have already been integrated into SolidWorks 2019, so you stay on top of the best tools available for your workflow.


eDrawings allows users to review SW’s native models through their mobile platform. With some basic level functions designers can discuss and review design content.

Intended to help bridge the challenges that geography presents for extended design teams, eDrawings allows for basic level model sharing and review capabilities for SolidWorks files.



DriveWorks generates Manufacturing Drawings, 3D Models and Sales Documents accurately and automatically. Providing variation and customization to your manufacturing processes with reduced efforts from your engineering design teams overtime.

Driveworks is intended to integrate into your design process allowing seamless linking between design variants and manufacturing, saving time for designers on repetitive tasks.


CoLab (formerly Gradient)

CoLab has been developed specifically for large teams working on complex manufacturing projects. It accelerates your day-to-day design review, task planning and prioritization, change management, reporting, etc. By linking issues and action items directly to your CAD files,

CoLab unlocks valuable data that is typically lost across emails, spreadsheets and documents, giving you the ability to make better decisions and accelerate painful compliance processes.



Reduces the challenge for your design team by automating the design and development of products covered in fabrics and made from composites to increase your teams productivity.

This add-on products allows seamless integration into a very tedious and manual process, by automating the flattening of your CAD files saving loads of labor hours and frustration.


Did we miss any apps that you are currently leveraging in your workflows? If so we would love to hear your thoughts.

Happy Designing!

December 5, 2018

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