Meet The Team: Karlee Campbell, SDR Manager

CoLab Team

January 27, 2023


min read

Tell us a little about yourself, Karlee!

Everyone’s favourite question! I’m from northern Ontario, and moved to Halifax a few years ago because ~ocean~. When I’m not managing a team of rockstar SDRs (shoutout to my team, y’all always doing the most!) you’ll find me outside hiking, at the boxing gym with friends getting a few rounds in, or cafe-hopping in search of the best chai latte. I love to read — everything from non-fiction self development to psychological thrillers — and often read about 2-4 books a week. I think my love of reading is what inspired me to start writing, which I must say is my number one passion (chai lattes are a close second). I just finished writing my first book last year and am in the process of self-publishing it now *squeals*. Me in a nutshell: writing, tea, books, outdoors, music, fitness, dogs.

How did you first get into sales development?

Funnily enough it was an accident. I saw a post from someone in my network about a job and the hiring manager intrigued me, as did the company. I applied — on a post that had no information. In my first interview they even asked me, why apply to something if you didn’t know what it was? I told them the truth: the company and the person seemed promising and I figured if it was meant to be the role would align as well. Turns out it did! I became an SDR and have been in the sales dev world ever since.

Why did you first join CoLab? What’s the most exciting thing about working here?

I have to say it was the people I met during the hiring process that are the reason I first decided to join. Tessa, MJ, Pat, Emily, Taylor, & Adam — every single one of them exuded this genuine, warm energy. You could tell they’re good people, passionate, and excited about what they’re doing. I wanted to be a part of that. Since joining, what’s most exciting is getting to work with so many others like them! We have this incredible product that we’re bringing to the market, working with customers that are the best in their field, and having a fun time doing it all. No matter what team you’re on, you feel part of the journey. We’re a family — cheesy but true.

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

Something to play music (not picky about the generation of said device) and an endless supply of journals to write in, or books to read. Is endless anything allowed?

January 27, 2023

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