Meet The Team: Crystal White-Dawe, Sales Development Rep

CoLab Team

March 11, 2022


min read

Tell us a little about yourself, Crystal!

My main loves in life are my family, friends, dessert paired with good coffee, music, movies, and traveling. I enjoy being elbow-to-elbow with people socializing: a crowded movie theatre with all hands laughing (or crying together), belting out a tune, hands in the air at a show, at a dinner table or over a pizza box. I like to share good times with good people (so the pandemic was a total bummer on that aspect).

I also enjoy a good walk and a beautiful sunset. I've actually left work to walk home, just so I can take in a killer sunset over Quidi Vidi—just ask my team, haha.

How did you first get into sales development?

My first taste of sales dev was presented as an opportunity from an old colleague and friend (also the same person who introduced me to the tech industry). Both opportunities started as a recommendation to have a “chat.” And being open to these opportunities led me to some fantastic experiences, learning, and growth. I’ve come to know that your network and the genuine connections you make can support your growth and paths in so many ways. I’m grateful.

Why did you first join CoLab and what are you most excited about?

Hearing about CoLab on social media, on the news, through my network… I knew they were building something special. Excited to experience and watch the growth!

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

Music—because it can kind of transport you anyway—and my family. (Can my family unit count as one item?)

March 11, 2022

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