Meet The Team: Colin Dominic, Onboarding Project Manager

CoLab Team

September 23, 2022


min read

Tell us a little about yourself, Colin!

I’m always down for a good time! Whether that’s going to a brewery, trying a new restaurant, hanging out with friends/family, meeting new people, playing recreational sports, adventuring outdoors, or — most importantly — going for walks and hikes with my dog, Obie. I’m not very handy, so if you need something done, I’ll call someone for you.

How did you first get into customer success?

I come from a project management and shipbuilding background, but I was looking for a change in my work environment. Several friends had started working in tech, so I reached out to see what they thought about that industry and they all loved it. That’s when I began my career transition. The best way to make the move was to find a role that fit my experience and I found that customer success was the best fit. Plus, I like to talk and meet new people, so it worked out for the best!

Why did you first join CoLab? What’s the most exciting thing about working here?

I’d had my eye on CoLab ever since Adam and Jeremy first founded the company. From my previous experiences in project management and shipbuilding, I’ve seen firsthand many of the challenges our customers face in file sharing and design reviews. I could’ve used a tool like CoLab!! I still wanted to leverage my PM experience when moving into tech, and the perfect job appeared after CoLab’s Series A raise.

My favourite parts about working here are the team and customers! I love meeting new customers and helping them achieve their goals, and our team is filled with passionate, fun people. And my role lets me talk to them all.

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

Does the island have Clif Bars?! I’d have to take my dog Obie. He loves the water and would be ecstatic with all the swimming. I’d also want my kayak to explore around the island. Who knows — if I hate the island, maybe I’ll try to find new land.

September 23, 2022

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