6 Ways CoLab Can Help Your Manufacturing and Design Team Go Remote

CoLab Team

March 10, 2021


min read

Now more than ever, teams are looking to go remote. With travel restrictions, work-from-home policies and disjointed supply chains, communication and productivity challenges are at an all time high.

Our mission at CoLab is to help global design and manufacturing teams stay connected in this uncertain time. CoLab is a design review & issue tracking platform that enables the world’s leading design and manufacturing teams to collaborate - anywhere, anytime. 

We have customers spanning North America, Europe, and Asia. We work closely with our customers, and the feedback they share with us is everything. Our customers have shared 6 key values that CoLab provides them, and we wanted to share them with you:

1. Remote communication in real-time

Things change quickly and you need efficiency. CoLab gives you the ability to keep your entire team in the loop throughout your design process. Every time an issue is identified, a file revised, or a task completed, CoLab automatically notifies those who need to know. You can then comment back and forth in real-time and reach issue resolution faster. All of your communication is tracked and tied to the issue, so you no longer have to search for email threads and disjointed conversations to reference your conversation.

2. Access to your CAD and design data from home

We know how expensive and limiting CAD licenses are, and we understand that sharing 3D content is complex. CoLab enables industry-leading 3D viewing in a secure, centralized location. With enterprise security, you’re able to view your 3D CAD models from anywhere, with all the detail your technical team needs to make critical design decisions. Sharing is simple, you can provide controlled access to your team and supply chain with the click of a button.

3. Digitize drawing reviews 

With CoLab, you can collaboratively redline and approve drawings in real-time. Traditionally, drawings and documents are marked up by hand, scanned, and scattered in offices. The feedback cycles are long, and data is lost. CoLab gives you a single location for uploading and viewing PDFs, comprehensive markup tools, and the ability to communicate with your team. Shorten your drawing review cycles by 50%, from the comfort of your home.

4. Connect around 3D issues instantly

CoLab is a centralized platform to track all of your engineering issues and communications, from design concept through to production. With your 3D models uploaded in CoLab, you’re able to catch issues on the model that are tied directly to your model, and assign your team to review. CoLab provides complete context on your design, eliminating the need to track issues and actions across spreadsheets and long email threads. The best part? All of the feedback and issue history is tracked, so you can grab complete histories whenever you want.

5. Seamlessly solve production problems with a unified design and manufacturing team

From concept to production, CoLab provides your team with design context, allowing your team to create 3D assembly procedures, and visualize and interrogate the process. Even as a non-CAD user, you can get all the design context without the complexity of desktop tools. If a manufacturing team needs clarification or missing data from a 2D guide, this can slow down manufacturing. CoLab provides unity among engineers, designers, and manufacturing teams, allowing all stakeholders to visualize a design build in 3D.

6. Secure FTP/File Sharing

CoLab allows you to simplify your supply chain, without the IP risk. Share and review files on one platform with industry-leading enterprise security and control. With CoLab, you have the ability to control access to design and manufacturing data amongst your team.

Your IP is your most important data, and using unsecure methods like emails and FTP puts your data at risk. CoLab’s industry-leading web-viewing technology allows your team to share and view files and effectively collaborate on design, without compromising critical security measures.

Switching to remote? Contact us today!

March 26, 2020

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