3D CAD collaboration will transform how you design.

A better way to talk about design. CoLab lets you have those crucial back-and-forth conversations directly on your 2D or 3D files—all tracked for you, with the full mechanical context right there.

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Share design files with anyone

It should be easy to share design files with the people you need to get feedback from. Even if they don’t have a CAD license or a PLM license. And you shouldn’t have to compromise your IP security to do it.

Sharing CAD and drawings with CoLab is easy: just drag and drop. Anyone you share files with can open and review them simply by clicking on a link. And all of this happens in a secure environment, where you control the permissions.

Support for over 70 file types

Does your team use multiple different CAD softwares, like Catia and NX? Or maybe you work with suppliers and partners that use a different software than you do?

You should be able to collaborate effectively regardless of what CAD software you're using. With support for over 70 file types, CoLab lets your extended team share and view all of your critical design files in one place.

More context, less confusion

Pin issues and comments directly on any 2D file, and even tag to specific geometry in a 3D model, so conversations always happen with full mechanical context right there where you need it.

Engineering quality markup

Annotate directly on the PDF with comment boxes, clouds, arrows, text and more. Link your markups to an actionable issue so your team gets notified right away.

"CoLab gives me a place to collaborate with my team on issues. We can debate changes right on the discussion thread for the issue itself until we come to a resolution. Then we’ve got an automatic record of our decisions right there."

Senior Mechanical Engineer
Kraken Robotics

Ready for more productive design conversations?

  • Share CAD with anyone, even if they don't have a license
  • Easily markup CAD and over 70 different file types
  • PDF markup, with automatic issue tracking

See how easy CAD markup can be, with CoLab: