The case for engineering-led supplier collaboration

Engineering is in a unique position to have the most immediate impact on supplier collaboration initiatives.

But very few companies capitalize on this opportunity.

For most organizations, supplier relationships are owned by procurement, supply chain or some combination of the two. And this shouldn’t change. These teams understand the shifting tide away from pure cost efficiency to building more resilient supply chains.

Engineering, though, has a massive opportunity to bring suppliers out of product development’s later stages and into design.  

This opportunity is massive because the engineering organizations we interact with every day are telling us it is.

Strong supplier collaboration upstream in product development is a strong predictor of manufacturing excellence downstream.

Ready to learn how the top engineering organizations plan, measure and execute engineering-led supplier collaboration? Join us this month! We can’t wait to see you at the Keynote.

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Feb 15, 2024
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April 25th, 2024 | 12:30 PM EST

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About the Keynote

Supplier collaboration has always existed in manufacturing organizations. It’s the way companies define, measure and execute “collaboration” that’s shifted.

As early as a few years ago, supplier collaboration was mostly transactional and highly reactive. Manufacturers submitted RFQs, suppliers answered. Suppliers requested PMI documentation, manufacturers answered. 

Data sharing between the two was often siloed, not in real time and even sometimes inaccurate. Despite attempts to be more collaborative, companies often failed because information exchange was just too difficult. Furthermore, with a constant focus on cost and efficiency, procurement and supply chain were not incentivized to tackle these challenges.

Enter Covid, massive global upheaval and critical parts shortages and suddenly cost and efficiency are no longer the major concerns. Building agility and resilience into the supply chain are now top priorities. Which means true collaboration with suppliers is more important than ever. 

And engineering is primed to drive the most immediate supplier collaboration impact.

The time is now for engineering-led supplier collaboration.

Join us on Thursday, April 25th at 12:30pm, where we’ll discuss:

  • Where supplier collaboration lives today
  • How supplier collaboration is changing inside enterprise manufacturing organizations
  • Why engineering is now at the forefront of these conversations
  • Where engineering can make the most immediate impact
  • How companies who do this well are measuring engineering’s impact on supplier collaboration

Want to learn more about supplier collaboration before the Keynote?

Here are a few pre-reads: