Welcome to Portals

Ready to start using Portals in CoLab? This Quick Start Guide will help you understand what you need to know to leverage the full power of Portals.

Using Portals in CoLab gives you more flexibility around how you securely share information and control collaboration with external partners.

The introduction of Portals does include some changes to how you use CoLab, resulting in simpler workflows and a smoother experience. As always, our Customer Success team is available if you’d like any guidance while you get the hang of Portals!

Here’s an overview of Portals, what’s changed in CoLab, and what it means for you.

Key terms

Workspaces are central to how teams organize their work in CoLab, and that hasn’t changed. Portals exist within Workspaces, creating an additional layer of control over visibility and access.

So while most of CoLab’s terms and features are staying the same, here are some important new definitions:

  • Portal: A Portal is a controlled collaboration space that allows external partners to contribute to a Workspace without having the same full access as your internal team
  • Guest: Free users that can only access Portals [formerly known as Lite users]
  • Team Member: Paid users that can access both Workspaces and Portals [formerly known as Pro users]
  • Company Admin: Team Members with the highest level of access and permissions

What does this mean for Workspaces in CoLab?

Workspace and Portals permissions

Workspace permissions still work the same as they did before Portals, only now all Workspace members need to be Team Members.

There are three different levels of access that determine what a user can do within a Workspace: Limited Access, Full Access, and Workspace Admin. Each user in any given Workspace must be assigned to one of these levels.

Portal permissions are controlled separately from Workspace permissions. Permissions can also be configured independently for each Portal, even if you have multiple Portals within the same Workspace.

There are two different levels of access within a Portal: Guest Access and Portal Admin.

Guests are users that only have access to Portals and must be invited to that Portal. (Reminder: Guests cannot contribute or be invited to Workspaces.)

All Team Members within a Workspace can view all files and feedback for Portals in that Workspace. However, only Team Members added to a Portal as a Portal Admin can control the files, discussion, and visibility settings within that Portal.

For more details, see how Portals fit into the updated Workspace Permissions chart:

How to manage your existing Workspaces

Existing Lite users will continue to have Limited Access within their current Workspaces.

Lite users will be able to join Portals as a Guest, but they won’t be able to join any new or additional Workspaces unless they’re converted to a Team Member account. (More on this below.)

Portals can be created in both existing and newly-created Workspaces. That means it’s up to you where you want to start setting up your first one!

What does this mean for managing users in CoLab?

User types

With the introduction of Portals, we’ve also revised our user types (formerly known as Pro and Lite users).

There are two types of users in CoLab: Team Members and Guests.

New Team Member users are created from within your Admin Settings. New Guest users are created from within a Portal.

For more details, see the updated User Types chart:

How to convert Lite users to Team Members

Any Lite users that want to join additional or new Workspaces will need to be converted to Team Members first. This needs to be done by a Company Admin.

Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Visit your Admin Settings
  2. In the Users section, find the user you want to upgrade
  3. Select Edit from the menu on the righthand side of the correct row
  4. Change the user type to Team Member and click Update to save the change

Any questions or feedback? Let us know!

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