A Teamcenter Share alternative built for complex design reviews

Teamcenter Share and CoLab are both cloud-based CAD collaboration solutions, so what sets them apart? Learn why teams conducting complex design reviews are choosing CoLab.

CoLab is trusted by:
  • $3M
    savings in one VA event
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  • 8 figures
    annual cost savings
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  • 4X
    faster supplier reviews
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  • 15%
    COPQ improvement
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  • 30%
    shorter lead times
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  • 2X
    faster design cycles
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CoLab and Teamcenter Share have these features in common

Share + Organize Files

Colab share + organizecolab logo
Colab share + organizeteamcenter logo

Interrogate Models

Colab share + organizecolab logo
Colab share + organizeteamcenter logo

Markup Tools

Colab share + organizecolab logo
Colab share + organizeteamcenter logo

Saved View States

Colab share + organizecolab logo
Colab share + organize

What makes CoLab different?

Collaborate on issues and markups with colleagues

  • With CoLab, you can assign feedback to a colleague or subject matter expert.
  • Every markup or annotation has its own dedicated discussion thread, and you can @mention teammates to invite them to collaborate.
  • CoLab generates unique URLs for each feedback item, so your colleague can click straight to your markup from their email.

Because SMEs can provide input in just a few clicks, you’ll accelerate feedback cycles and resolve issues faster.

Share dashboard overview
Comment example

Track and resolve feedback, so issues don’t slip through the cracks

  • CoLab’s robust feedback feature allows you to set feedback type, status, assignee, and priority level.
  • You can also create custom tags for feedback.
  • Feedback is automatically organized into a database, where you can sort, filter, prioritize, and change the status of feedback.

By assigning feedback to specific owners, you can drive accountability for closing issues and improving products. Plus, managers can get a bird’s eye view of progress at any time.

Create and track multiple design reviews for every product or program

  • CoLab has a dedicated review feature. A review is an event with start and end dates, distinct from a Workspace where files are organized.
  • Users can be added to a Workspace or a Review. You can track whether or not people have completed reviews.
  • CoLab automatically tracks everything that happens in a review (files or revisions uploaded, feedback, stages open/closed).

With dedicated review tracking, CoLab makes it easy to see whether key reviews have been completed or retrace your steps to justify a design decision made during a past review.

Activity overview

Other Key Features in CoLab

Track feedback and changes across revisions
Advanced features for VA/VE events
Dedicated portals for collaborating with suppliers or customers
Advanced security features, including domain restrictions, SSO, and MFA

CoLab vs. Teamcenter Share

Share and organize files
Interrogate models
Create markups with saved view states
Assign feedback to a colleague
Dedicated discussion threads for every annotation
Invite teammates to a discussion using @mentions
Unique URLs for every piece of feedback
Filter and sort feedback by assignee, type, status, due date, or priority level
Create custom tags to filter and prioritize feedback
Create design reviews as events with start dates and end dates
Track whether teammates have completed assigned reviews
Track all activity within each review

Why CoLab?

There are lots of CAD collaboration tools out there. CoLab has the most robust capabilities for engineering and cross functional teams reviewing complex designs that could have dozens or hundreds of issues per revision. Looking to resolve 1 or 2 minor changes? A CAD viewer might do the trick. Looking to prevent errors and issues from slipping through the cracks on a multi-year product develop program? You might need a Design Engagement System, like CoLab.

Curious how CoLab can help you with that? Let’s talk.