Panel Discussion

The State of DFM in 2024

In this month’s CoLab Panel, we’re bringing together three industry DFM experts to share their perspectives on the state of DFM today and how companies can rethink DFM in their organizations.

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There are two types of engineering teams.

Engineering teams that do DFM

But it’s too hard.

Because the team has to download files from PLM. Then, put those files into a PowerPoint deck. Make notes on individual CAD or 2D views for suppliers or manufacturing partners. Then send a massive PowerPoint file over email.

And, it takes too long because it’s too hard.

We hear from engineering teams with 100+ engineers and 50+ suppliers that DFM feedback takes too long. In fact, it takes so long that it’s starting to affect company initiatives like time to market and gross margins.

Engineering teams that don’t do DFM

Because it's too hard and it takes too long.

With globally distributed teams and a rapidly diversified supplier network, these teams don't have the processes in place to conduct proper pre-production DFM reviews.

So, they find out too late that a part can't be machined, assembled or tooled using the available manufacturing capabilities.

While DFM would be an excellent solution — these teams don't have a way to get from zero to one. Either the people or the processes can't incite a sustainable way to repeatedly conduct DFM.

So, they just don't do it.