17 — The State of PLM in 2022 w/Oleg Shilovitsky

PLM software first emerged in the late 80s/early 90s. Since then, PLM has established itself as a foundational tool for engineering companies.

But now, the next digital wave in engineering has arrived. Cloud collaboration tools are becoming the norm across every industry, and mechanical teams are finally starting to catch up to the cloud revolution.

Oleg Shilovitsky, CEO and Co-founder of OpenBOM, has written more than 4000 blog posts about PLM and related topics. In this episode, Oleg and Adam dive into the current state of PLM and how companies can develop a tech strategy that looks at PLM and cloud tech holistically.

Listen to their conversation to hear:

  • How the discussion around PLM has changed over time
  • Why there’s no such thing as “the best PLM”
  • The obstacles that prevent large companies from making better, faster decisions about technology
  • Why user adoption needs to be central to your tech decisions and strategy