Useful articles for busy engineering leaders

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VA/VE Event Prep in CoLab

Uncover the efficient way to conduct Value Analysis/Value Engineering (VA/VE) events in CoLab in our step-by-step guide.

Asynchronous Design Reviews in CoLab: A Step by Step Guide

Discover how CoLab can transform your engineering design review process, fostering asynchronous collaboration and streamlining team communication in this comprehensive guide.

Adapting engineering workflows for global and remote teams

‍Trying to manage product development remotely? Read this article and find out how to adapt your engineering processes accordingly.

How to integrate value engineering into NPD

This article gives engineering managers a simple roadmap for integrating VE into the NPD process. Keep reading to find out the 3-step approach.

Introduction to DFM Principles

In today's fast-paced manufacturing environment, where companies strive to remain competitive, DFM can help reduce costs, improve quality, and shorten production cycles. This article explores the fundamentals of DFM, its objectives, guidelines, and implementation process.

The 5 pillars of modern VA/VE

What does a “good” modern VA/VE program even look like? Read about the 5 pillars of effective VA/VE and see how your approach stacks up.

21 truths for large engineering companies to build a powerful VA/VE engine

Need to ramp up your cost reduction efforts? This article contains 21 truths from an expert panel on how to run successful large-scale VA/VE programs in 2023.

The top 3 barriers to effective supplier collaboration (and how to overcome them)

Enhance supplier communication and collaboration by adopting a single platform that addresses security concerns, nurtures strong relationships, and streamlines communication.

How to improve supplier relationships with stronger technical reviews

One of the best ways to build strong supplier relationships is through a supplier technical review, setting both sides up for success.

3 practical ways to modernize your VA/VE process

Need to step up your VA/VE game this year? Here are 3 ways you can improve your engineering-led cost reduction efforts right now.


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